Introduction to supercomputing (pt 1): Supercomputing introduction

Описание к видео Introduction to supercomputing (pt 1): Supercomputing introduction

Live training delivered to our Pawsey interns. Topics include:
Module 1. Supercomputing introduction
- Petaflops
- Supercomputer examples
- Setonix at Pawsey
- Some cases at Pawsey
- Building blocks of a supercomputer
- Major parts of a supercomputer
- Fast is key to high performance compute
- High performance compute - Interconnect
- High performance compute - Parallelism
- High performance storage
- Setonix: 2022+
- Setonix hardware overview
- What to know more? Interconnect layout
- What to know more? Compute node architecture
- What to know more? Compute node processor
- AMD GPUs on Setonix
- Summary


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