കിട്ടി മോനെ കിട്ടി Promotion | IGNOU Promotion 2021| alamara

Описание к видео കിട്ടി മോനെ കിട്ടി Promotion | IGNOU Promotion 2021| alamara

IGNOU has in a very big move have released the list of students who are under the list of promotion. Students who have given the promotion according to the July 16,2021 UGC notification. This video has covered all the aspects of the promotion of students. We request all the students to kindly wait and go the PDF which will be uploading in the official IGNOU website very soon. So till then Keep calm and Keep alamaaraa.

July 3 Notification Video :    • IGNOU June 2021 Exam Date | Shocking ...  

July 9 Notification video :    • IGNOU June 2021 Exam Postponed | Impo...  

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