Cost of Living in Cambodia 2024 compared to Canada. My Top 3 Reasons I Decided to Retire In Cambodia

Описание к видео Cost of Living in Cambodia 2024 compared to Canada. My Top 3 Reasons I Decided to Retire In Cambodia

Cost of Living in Cambodia is one of my top reasons I decided to retire in Cambodia. Living in Cambodia as a foreigner has been an incredible experience. In this Cambodia Vlog, I go over the top 3 reasons I decided to retire in Cambodia and I also compare the cost of living for Cambodia and Canada.

Cost of Living in Cambodia 2024 compared to Canada may surprise you. After living in Siem Reap, Cambodia for almost a year I have a good grasp of the cost of living in Cambodia. So I come back to Canada and do a price comparison on rent, food, and more. In this Cambodia vlog I also tell you my number one reason for moving to Cambodia in an interview.

Retiring in Cambodia was a big shock when I told my friends and family but they now see how happy I am and support me moving to Cambodia. I hope you enjoy this Cambodia vlog about the cost of living in Cambodia and the reasons why I decided to retire in Cambodia.

Living in Cambodia has been a blessing. I hope you enjoy this Cambodia vlog. Thank you.

Cambodia Travel Vlog Playlist is available if you want to watch my entire experience in Cambodia so far.

*Prices vary at different restaurants in Siem Reap Cambodia so I took the average price when comparing prices. Also, prices for rent, food, etc may have changed since the time of this recording.


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