Expo Router - Multi page mobile applications, the easy way! | Unscripted Coding

Описание к видео Expo Router - Multi page mobile applications, the easy way! | Unscripted Coding

Building a single page mobile app on Android or iOS is getting pretty easy. Once you get to moving between pages or areas in your app, that gets much trickier. It's not a matter of algorithms, it's a matter of really tricky systems. Expo Router is a React Native solution that makes it easy to move from page to page ("routing") in apps. It is modeled after webpages, where you just link to the next page. We try this out today!

Unscripted Coding is entirely unscripted and organic. If you're looking for a tutorial, you're in the wrong place! What we do here is try and build something from scratch, filled with all the mistakes and lessons learned along the way!

Total Time: 29 minutes


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