Alaipayuthey Kanna & More - Carnatic Classical Songs - Classical Fusion Music

Описание к видео Alaipayuthey Kanna & More - Carnatic Classical Songs - Classical Fusion Music

Listen to Carnatic Classical Songs - Classical Music (Fusion) sung by Chitra Ramakrishnan - Audio Jukebox

00:03 - Alaipayuthey
05:25 - Kanna Vaa
10:56 - Sri Ramachandra
18:05 - Ododi Vanthen
23:37 - Shanthi Nilava
29:47 - Bho Shambho
36:24 - Vaishnava Janatho
44:40 - Vande Mataram
48:33 - Bhajan
50:44 - Maitrim Bhajata

Classical music is art music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western music (both liturgical and secular). It encompasses a broad span of time from roughly the 11th century to the present day. The two main traditions of classical music are Carnatic music, found predominantly in the peninsular regions, and Hindustani music, found in the northern, eastern and central regions. The basic concepts of this music includes shruti (microtones), swara (notes), alankar (ornamentations), raga (melodies improvised from basic grammars), and tala (rhythmic patterns used in percussion). Its tonal system divides the octave into 22 segments called shrutis, not all equal but each roughly equal to one quarter of a whole tone of Western music.

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