じ vs. ぢ and ず vs. づ (Why they're said the same) Patreon Series Sample Clip / 「じ」と「ぢ」& 「ず」と「づ」なぜ発音一緒?

Описание к видео じ vs. ぢ and ず vs. づ (Why they're said the same) Patreon Series Sample Clip / 「じ」と「ぢ」& 「ず」と「づ」なぜ発音一緒?

Sample clip from Japanese Phonetics #46: The Japanese 'D' Sounds
Learn more about Japanese pronunciation and pitch-accent at   / dogen  

じ vs. ぢ and ず vs. づ (Why they're said the same)
The sounds of Japanese
Japanese pronunciation
Japanese pitch-accent
Japanese speaking

「じ」と「ぢ」& 「ず」と「づ」なぜ発音一緒?


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