ignernt education - flintknapping angles, platforms, making turtles

Описание к видео ignernt education - flintknapping angles, platforms, making turtles

um, for whatever reason, i decided to draw angles and stuff on paper to show you how to understand conchoidal fracture angles and where and how to hit stuff, and then i show you horrible examples of preforms i made back when i was stremely ignernt about knapping and direct percussion and indirect percussion and flint and pressure flaking and any other keywords that in a description might get my video pushed further up the search engine results so you can find it so my efforts (hah!) in making it weren't wasted. thanks. oh, please subscribe and comment and like my stuff, cuz my cat moots is just a user and doesn't really appreciate me so i seek out acceptance from strangers online as a consolation plus cuz i can't afford long-term therapy, prolly. bye.


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