Basket Quilt Block- scrap block- string piecing-foundation pieced-learn to quilt- patchwork

Описание к видео Basket Quilt Block- scrap block- string piecing-foundation pieced-learn to quilt- patchwork

Learn to make a simple string pieced basket quilt block.
You will need:
8 1/2" square background fabric - cut in half diagonally and use just ONE triangle per block.
8 1/2" square foundation paper - use old phone book, newspaper....etc. cut in half diagonally.
1 1/4 wide fabric for handle. Cut on bias. How long you cut this piece will depend on how many blocks you make. For just ONE block you will only need about 10". I cut one or two long pieces and cut them into segments as I go.
Most important item!! - lots of scrappy strips!!! 😉.

Quilting supplies set -
quilting ruler -
rotary cutter -
scissors -

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