Islamic Therapy for Stress and Anxiety | Belal Assad

Описание к видео Islamic Therapy for Stress and Anxiety | Belal Assad

If you're feeling like your problem is too big to handle, don't worry—you're not alone, and there is a way to manage it. In this video, I'll break down a simple, yet transformative process to help you let go of the heavy weight on your shoulders. The first step is identifying what exactly is bothering you. It might seem like you have a thousand problems, but pick just one that’s playing on your mind. Is it about your job? Your family? Your finances? Once you’ve pinpointed that issue, the next step is to release it to Allah. This isn’t just about saying it—you need to truly and sincerely hand over your burden to Him, knowing that you're no longer carrying it alone.

Then comes the third step: letting go of any expectations. You’ve given your problem to Allah, and now it’s time to accept whatever outcome comes, trusting that He will guide you through it, no matter what. It's about summoning bravery and facing what lies ahead with resilience, knowing that you’ve done your part by surrendering your worries. There’s also a fourth, crucial step: do what you can within your power. While you've entrusted the bigger picture to Allah, take practical steps to manage what you can in your situation, whether it’s making amends with someone, taking responsibility for an action, or using the resources around you.

This isn’t a quick fix, but if you practice this approach, you’ll notice a shift. You'll be able to confront life’s challenges with a stronger mindset and deeper faith. Problems and pain are part of life, but they don’t have to break you. Let go, trust, be brave, and keep moving forward. #islamicmotivation #islamicvideo #islamiclectures

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