Berlioz Symphonie fantastique, Op.14 5/베를리오즈 환상교향곡(5악장), Op.14(

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Berlioz Symphonie fantastique, Op.14 5/베를리오즈 환상교향곡(5악장), Op.14(10:06)

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Berlioz Symphonie fantastique, Op.14/베를리오즈 환상교향곡, Op.14 (50:15)    • Berlioz Symphonie fantastique, Op.14/...  

Berlioz Symphonie fantastique, Op.14 4/베를리오즈 환상교향곡(4악장), Op.14(10:06)

"Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14" was composed in 1830 by Hector Berlioz (1803-1869) with the subtitle "Story of an Artist's Life".
It is a self-portrait of the young composer Berlioz, who composed it to escape the pain and hellish agony of his passionate love for the actress Smithson. According to Berlioz's own account, 'a young artist with morbid sensuality and intense imagination attempts suicide by poisoning himself with opium after falling into a coma due to a low dose. He sees bizarre visions.' It is a representative example of program music (program music) that combines Berlioz's intense personal emotions and romantic imagination with a program-like structure consisting of five movements: Dream, Passion, Ball, Countryside, March to the Guillotine, and Nightmare on Walpurgis Night.

5th movement: Songe d'une nuit de sabbat (Dream of the witches' night)
The 5th movement depicts the scene in which the protagonist witnesses his own funeral and the Sabbat, where witches gather, in a nightmare. Dies Irae resonates with eerie sounds, and the protagonist is utterly destroyed.

N.D.R. Symphony Orchestra, Hamburg N.D.R. 함부르크 심포니 오케스트라
Conductor: Pierre Monteux 피에르 몽퇴

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