A Night Amidst the Orchid Alleys (~ a chill chinese piano jazz soundtrack~)

Описание к видео A Night Amidst the Orchid Alleys (~ a chill chinese piano jazz soundtrack~)

(~a chill little instrumental combining a jazzy piano and brush drums with a lot of chinese motifs! it can be calming and it can be bustling, but I’ve always imagined this to paint a scene that blends both of these in its setting~)

In the morning, Muuninrae’s District of Orchid smells much like its namesake, but nightfall brings with it a new crowd that gathers for a cornerstone of the region.

With evening’s rise, vendors of all backgrounds congregate at Mitatharya: a street famed internationally for its nightly lineups of snacks and delicacies. The most dedicated sellers hold down their spots by the late afternoon, just as the first tourists trickle into the street.

It takes the bulk of the crowd another few hours to arrive, and among this flock are Miko and Rumi, strolling in amidst the wave after a quiet lull.

The fragrance of orchids, the scent of grilled beef, the steam of brewed coffee—they layer atop one another like voices in a choir, beckoning Miko and Rumi to wander the District’s streets for the rest of the evening.

Brushing shoulders with strangers becomes routine here. With orchids and stalls dotting the streets, little room remains for personal space, but those who make time for Mitatharya are those willing to sacrifice comfort for the experience.

And what an experience it is for the patrons and vendors alike! An experience so vivid, so harmonious, that, in spite of the struggle for walking room, many would still come together in the bustle and declare that they would live this night all over again.

Even as the hours glide by and midnight looms on the horizon, the crowds only slightly thin, Mitatharya’s peak yet to arrive amidst the endless influx of visitors.


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