EF Word Live - "TV Finales- the Good, the Bad & the Empty"

Описание к видео EF Word Live - "TV Finales- the Good, the Bad & the Empty"

What makes a good or bad tv finale? Why do we get so attached to these shows? And why do we feel empty or betrayed when the show takes a hard left into an almost unrecognizable realm? Well we don't know if G could get even close to figuring it out but dammit he is gunna try....somehow. Enjoy!

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Breaker - https://www.breaker.audio/the-ef-word
Castbox- https://castbox.fm/channel/id1224267
Overcast- https://overcast.fm/itunes1366639395/...
Pocket Casts- http://pca.st/yN1I
Podbean- https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detai...
RadioPublic- https://play.radiopublic.com/the-ef-w...

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