Wareham to Swanage Drivers Eye View

Описание к видео Wareham to Swanage Drivers Eye View

A driver's Eye View of the Swanage Branch early in 2009. The Swanage Railway are connected to the national network at Motala, although the track needs much upgrading before regular passenger services recommence. In this video you will see the various stages that have to currently be gone through to come of the National Network at Worgret Jct before proceeding down the stub to Motala, the official boundary, then onto Norden where I was on crossing duty protecting the ungated crossing. After getting onto the Swanage Railway proper the journey through to Swanage is straight forward with two 'single line tablet' exchanges at Corfe Castle (where we pass the Swanage Railway class 117 unit) and Harmans Cross before arriving at Swanage where we see M7 30053 waiting to depart with a service train for Norden. With thanks to everyone involved for the filming.


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