Blokart Speed Record At Ivanpah 9-22-16

Описание к видео Blokart Speed Record At Ivanpah 9-22-16

I never thought Mark Walters blokart speed record of 64.4 mph could be broken, but I did best it yesterday 9-22-16 with a speed of 65 mph. The conditions were perfect for a record. The wind blew 30-35 mph out of the SW with higher gust to over 40. Timing the higher gust is always critical for a high speed run. I made a number of passes in the 61-63mph range. There is a lot of luck involved when trying to sail a blokart 65mph. If you don't receive a strong wind gust once your up to speed, you will never break 60mph. Yesterday I timed the gust pretty good allowing me to sail my kart deeper with power at just the right time.
Having my gps pointed towards my go pro allowed real time speed which worked out really well until I sailed deep off the wind to the East, away from the afternoon sun. It would of been nice to have a clear readout during my record pass. The Max Speed readout on my gps confirmed my real time readout of 65mph.
Gary Terell and my wife Patty were also there, taking photos, shooting video and as witnesses.


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