Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night

Описание к видео Good Afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night

In the video, I talked about why badlion eventually failed. And then followed it up with basically my story since badlion shut down. When badlion left I lost a lot of motivation to play. I loved that server and to this day I still consider it to be the GOAT. I played MineHQ, but then went to Apex. When Lunar came, I was trying to make a server, but with a real sketchy dude. The guy probably would’ve stolen everything from me if he had to. He was not a reliable guy. And our resources were limited. Things worked at a snail’s pace. When valorant came out, I had a choice between the server or trying to make something of myself in valorant. I chose valorant but I never left you guys in the dark. This video is an explanation of my minecraft experience, where I am today, and what I am going to do next. With valorant, I started at the lowest level, I was a noob. But it was all so new and exciting. Until I felt I had a grasp of the game, I didn’t even play ranked, only unranked. When I played ranked, it took a while but eventually I progressed. And within 7 months I hit the highest rank in valorant, which is radiant. From starting at the literal worst rank to then hitting top 500, it gave me the confidence to pursue valorant as a profession. I wanted to go pro. And this was my journey for close to two years. I went to a good friend who helped me outsource myself and create an LFT post. Eventually, I found an org. They trialed 5 against 5, and the staff on the org looked at who the best players were on each team. From there, they put all the best players from the 10 people onto their “roster”, which included me. I met a guy named Joms there. With our team of 5, we joined a small tournament. We didn’t get far, but we faced off against a “good” team that was touted to win the small tournament. I remember we took a map off them but lost in the bo3. After this, Joms got cold feet and left the team because he wanted something better. From there, I was on NBG, my time here was short lived. We were in need of a fifth. We found it in someone named Cody. He and I recognized we were the best players there. So we left to pursue other opportunities together. I wanted a team where I was equal. Cody found a team and invited me to trial. Our core was me, Cody, cabates, skii, and nabaki. In only a couple of weeks, we were winning. But the team atmosphere was way off, and some people blamed it on Skii. They threatened to leave if he didn’t. Skii left and we stayed together as a core of four and looked for our fifth. Eventually we found it in onesnipeKO. But with Skii gone, we didn’t have an IGL. Cody took over and did his best, but we were handicapped, really. We joined a 250 team tournament with a 25k prize pool. We got 16 before getting knocked out. After this, the team disbanded. Cody felt he couldn’t get us further by being the IGL and we needed one. I set off to trial for some more teams, made it on some but they didn’t last because I was not motivated. So I took a break from trying to compete and focused on my mechanics. This is where I felt like I was going insane. I couldn’t keep my consistency and I would buy different mice and mouse pads every week. Needless to say, I was in a rut. A job opened up at a warehouse where my brother worked and I figured a job was just what I needed to further compete in valorant. I worked there for about 6 months ‘till I found a farm job working with animals. I stayed at the farm job for 1.5 years. It was here on the farm I learned what I wanted in life. To be a farmer, have my own land and raise my kids on it. To make that way of living my lifestyle and source of income. And valorant was just a distraction. Most importantly, I found and accepted Jesus Christ as my savior with the time working on that farm. He made me realize gaming wasn’t what I was meant to do. He put something else on my heart. I left the farm job two months ago to plan a cross country trip where I am going to work on different farms as a farm hand and travel in a camper-van I bought. I’d like to share the gospel for all of you watching this video: we deserve death because of our sin and rebellion towards God, yet God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to take our punishment instead, and so if we believe in Jesus Christ, we will be cleansed of our sin before God and granted everlasting life (and the only sin that will prevent you from being saved is rejecting Christ–as long as you believe and have faith in Jesus Christ, then all of your sins are forgiven). Let me know if you guys have any questions, I’d love to answer them. You guys are the best for giving me a platform and the opportunity to make videos. It still amazes me to this day that anyone would want to watch my videos, so thank you for that. And again, if vlogging videos or small update videos are something you guys would be interested in, I can definitely set that up. But I’d like to hear from you all too. Thank you, it was a blessing to be “AtReaLity”


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