DCS: CH-47 Chinook Sling Loading a Cargo Container

Описание к видео DCS: CH-47 Chinook Sling Loading a Cargo Container

In the new DCS CH-47 Chinook, in VR, sling loading a cargo container. Bob enabled for stable flight controls, joystick input to turn right and left, forward and backward. Collective to raise and lower the aircraft.
Already mapped: RCtrl+[ and RCtrl+]
Operator's Workstations - GO TO NEXT WORK STATION
Operator's Workstations - GO TO PREV. WORK STATION

Some you will need to map:

Bob engage/disengage - WIP
Trap Door Open/Close
Cargo Hook Release Switch Cover
OPEN & Cargo Hook Release Switch Cover - CLOSE
Cargo Hook Release Pushbutton
Cargo Hook EMERG REL ALL Switch Cover - OPEN
Cargo Hook EMERG REL ALL Switch Cover - CLOSE
Cargo Hook EMERG REL ALL Switch - ON/OFF

I've had to use the Emergency Release located on the overhead console of the pilot's seat, either it's not working in DCS yet, or I'm doing something wrong.


Информация по комментариям в разработке