Moog Matriarch and Subharmonicon Generative Ambient Gentle Rain

Описание к видео Moog Matriarch and Subharmonicon Generative Ambient Gentle Rain

This is another long generative patch attempting to pair the Matriarch and the Subharmonicon.

A violent hail storm gave way to a gentle rain this afternoon, and it just seemed right to work on a mellow patch to play in front of an open window as dusk fell.

The Subharmonicon is providing the brighter slightly dissonant chimes at slow intervals while the Matriarch is playing randomized arpeggios with the delay heavily cranked.

The Oto Bam is providing Reverb on a non-linear setting which with chorus also adds a bit of modulation.

I really enjoy making these longer generative pieces. After years of swearing I would never dive into the world of modular and patch cables, I feel like I'm slowly getting sucked in. I'd love to try and pair some Eurorack in the future, but we'll see.

Thanks for listening!


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