Ganga Expressway Project Completion Date | Which cities are connected by the Ganga Expressway?

Описание к видео Ganga Expressway Project Completion Date | Which cities are connected by the Ganga Expressway?

In this video, we take a detailed look at the Ganga Expressway Project, one of India’s most ambitious infrastructure initiatives. Spanning over 600 km, this expressway will connect Meerut to Prayagraj, improving connectivity and boosting economic growth across Uttar Pradesh.

We cover the key features, construction updates, expected completion timelines, and the benefits this project will bring to the region.

👉 Watch now to learn:

The scope and significance of the Ganga Expressway.
Key cities and districts it will connect.
Latest construction updates and milestones.
Economic and social impact on Uttar Pradesh and India.

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