ARDEX Pandomo Showroom Shanghai

Описание к видео ARDEX Pandomo Showroom Shanghai

ARDEX have opened a new panDOMO showroom in Shanghai, as part of the continued effort to grow the brand and business in China.

panDOMO plan to develop 10 new panDOMO showrooms in China’s biggest 10 cities in the coming two years.

Currently there are 7 showrooms in the country in locations including Shanghai, Wuhan, Nanjing and Guanhgzhou.

This would bring the total number of panDOMO showrooms in China to 17.

Via these showrooms, we can meet with designers and architects to promote the panDOMO range in the Chinese market and show how we can provide long-lasting and beautiful surfacing solutions for every need.

To find out more about panDOMO in China, please visit:


最近, 亚地斯在上海开设了新的 panDOMO 展厅,持续加強品牌在中国市场业务发展步伐。

全国panDOMO展厅有十几家之多,而其中panDOMO独立展厅现在有4家 分别位于上海,广州,南京,武汉 等地。panDOMO 亦计划在未来两年内在中国各大城市继续开设 10 个新的 panDOMO 展厅。

通过这些展厅,我们可以与设计师和建筑师更好地在中国市场推广 panDOMO 系列,展示我们这一系列持久而美观的地面和墙面整体解决方案,并借此进一步提升品牌认知度。



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