PAX A920 Ped Tampered

Описание к видео PAX A920 Ped Tampered

Munculnya Ped Tampered

Terminal Mendeteksi adanya ketidakamanan dengan perangkat keras dan mengunci dirinya sendiri

Ini bisa terjadi jika terminal terjatuh atau dirusak. Pesan error ini juga akan muncul jika baterai internal rusak, bocor atau perlu diganti. Karena itu, mesin harus dikirim ke RMA untuk diperbaiki.


The terminal has detected an insecurity with the hardware and has locked itself in security purposes.
This can happen if the terminal was dropped or tampered with. This error message will also appear if the internal battery is damaged or needs to be replaced. With that being said, the machine must be sent to RMA for a Repair.


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