Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2 OP | Fingerstyle Guitar (remake) | The Rumbling

Описание к видео Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2 OP | Fingerstyle Guitar (remake) | The Rumbling

“What is the point if those with the means and power do not fight?”

Hello people of culture, the AoT vibe has already started to heat up thanks to the part 3 movie of the final season. Therefore, I decided to bring back the opening theme that once contributed to the franchise’s reputation. To be honest, I have just come up with the idea of this remake a few days ago, yet I managed to finish it in such period (I may call it musician’s inspiration). Besides, recently I don’t have many ideas to begin with, so this cover will be my personal motivation for the next video.

I hope you enjoy it. Your encouragement is my motivation to make the next video. Please like, share, and subscribe if you think this video is worth your time.

Anime: Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Part 2 (進撃の巨人 The Final Season Part 2)
Opening theme: The Rumbling
Artist: SiM
Composer: SiM
Lyricist: MAH
Guitar arrangement: Kdazai

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#TheRumbling #guitar #fingerstyle #cover #kdazai #AttackOnTitan #ShingekiNoKyojin #AoT #진격의거인 #AtaqueALosTitanes #underthetree #underthetreeguitar


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