PwC - Smart Urban Transformation

Описание к видео PwC - Smart Urban Transformation

To prepare urban regions for demographical changes, shift of economic power, urbanisation, climate and technological changes city leadership needs to assess trends and their potential impact on the city's current situation and future direction.
Any urban region has its own strengths and weaknesses. At PwC we call this 'DNA'. To realize its vision, a region should create a strategy including trends, DNA and goals to reach the required transformation.
On a higher level, cooperation between regions, nationally and internationally, will benefit both by avoiding double investments and improve competitiveness of each region, where co-creation is key!
PwC connects stakeholders, helps to initiate and upscale pilot projects and digital innovations. Moreover PwC shares best practices to help a city to become a smart urban city and region. Visit our website for more information about smart urban transformations.


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