Pineapple Market II Madhupur, Bangladesh II Masum Mahbub II আনারসের বাজার II মধুপুর, বাংলাদেশ II

Описание к видео Pineapple Market II Madhupur, Bangladesh II Masum Mahbub II আনারসের বাজার II মধুপুর, বাংলাদেশ II

The village 'bazaar' or 'hat' at road intersections where weekly markets take place served the purpose of local wholesale and retail markets for many centuries, before the establishment of cities and towns. There has been a change of characteristics of wholesale markets during the last few decades. The improvement of transport system and capacityof markets at wholesale and retails levels, had an impact on the price and supply situation.

Many thanks for watching this video.

Masum Mahbub

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