Walk around HONG KONG❗from Monster Building at King's Road Quarry Bay to Java Road at North Point HK

Описание к видео Walk around HONG KONG❗from Monster Building at King's Road Quarry Bay to Java Road at North Point HK

Monster Building location on Maps : https://maps.app.goo.gl/ra6YMBmgpMizW...

The #MonsterBuilding is a group of five connected buildings on King's Road, #QuarryBay, #HongKong. It is a famous location for photography and used as inspiration for several filming locations. There are 2,243 units in five blocks with 18 floors in height. Currently, 10,000 people live in this complex.

History and characteristics
The housing estate was originally built in the 1960s and named the #ParkerEstate (百嘉新邨; in reference to Mount Parker, south of the estate) and later sold. In 1972, the housing block was split to five blocks: the Fook Cheong Building (福昌樓), the Montane Mansion (海山樓), the Oceanic Mansion (海景樓), the Yick Cheong Building (益昌大廈), and the Yick Fat Building (益發大廈). There are shops on the street front. The highest building is the Oceanic Mansion, with 18 floors. Due to it being a composite building, it is dense.

Popular culture
The location is a private estate, but nonetheless popular with tourists, so much so that residents have placed warning signs that ask visitors to be respectful. The structure has inspired locations in films like #Transformers : Age of Extinction and Ghost in the Shell and music videos like " #Labyrinth " by Mondo Grosso and #HikariMitsushima and " #CaveMeIn " by Gallant and Eric Nam.


Gedung #Monster adalah sekelompok lima bangunan yang terhubung di King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong. Ini merupakan lokasi fotografi yang terkenal dan dijadikan inspirasi beberapa lokasi syuting. Terdapat 2.243 unit di lima blok dengan tinggi 18 lantai. Saat ini, 10.000 orang tinggal di kompleks ini.

Sejarah dan karakteristik
Kawasan perumahan ini awalnya dibangun pada tahun 1960-an dan diberi nama Parker Estate (百嘉新邨; mengacu pada Gunung Parker, di selatan perkebunan) dan kemudian dijual. Pada tahun 1972, blok perumahan dipecah menjadi lima blok: Gedung Fook Cheong (福昌樓), Montane Mansion (海山樓), Oceanic Mansion (海景樓), Gedung Yick Cheong (益昌大廈), dan Gedung Yick Fat (益發大廈). Ada toko-toko di depan jalan. Bangunan tertinggi adalah Oceanic Mansion dengan 18 lantai. Karena merupakan bangunan komposit, maka padat.

Budaya populer
Lokasinya merupakan kawasan milik pribadi, namun tetap populer di kalangan wisatawan, sehingga warga memasang tanda peringatan yang meminta pengunjung untuk bersikap hormat. Struktur ini menginspirasi lokasi dalam film seperti Transformers: Age of Extinction dan Ghost in the Shell dan video musik seperti "Labyrinth" oleh Mondo Grosso dan Hikari Mitsushima dan "Cave Me In" oleh Gallant dan Eric Nam.

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