Stop War

Описание к видео Stop War

Liric : Stop war

In the fields where flowers once bloomed,
Now lies a battlefield, shrouded in gloom.
Echoes of gunfire pierce the air,
As innocent souls fall in despair.

Families torn apart by strife,
Children robbed of their innocent life.
Hatred fuels the flames of war,
Leaving behind scars that last evermore.

Stop war, let peace arise,
In the name of humanity, let's revise.
No more bloodshed, no more tears,
Let empathy guide us, erase our fears

In the eyes of the wounded, pain resides,
As the cries of anguish echo far and wide.
Broken dreams, shattered hopes,
In the wake of conflict, humanity gropes.

Brothers and sisters, hand in hand,
Let's build bridges across the land.
For peace is the answer we seek,
To heal the wounds that run deep.

Stop war, let peace arise,
In the name of humanity, let's revise.
No more bloodshed, no more tears,
Let empathy guide us, erase our fears.

Beyond the borders, beyond the divide,
Lies the promise of a world unified.
With love as our shield, and compassion as our sword,
Together we stand, in one accord.

Stop war, let peace arise,
In the name of humanity, let's revise.
No more bloodshed, no more tears,
Let empathy guide us, erase our fears.

So let's raise our voices, let them soar,
A chorus of hope for a world without war.
For in unity, strength we find,
Together, let's leave the past behind.


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