Natural Baby Teething Remedies (THAT REALLY WORK!)

Описание к видео Natural Baby Teething Remedies (THAT REALLY WORK!)

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Okay, so the first question is ‘When do babies start teething?’

Now here is what you need to know, your baby already has all of his teeth hanging out underneath the gums, just waiting to pop. In most cases, the typical age for a first tooth is around 6 months but that can vary tremendously from baby to baby. My pediatrician didn’t get her first tooth till 16 months old! And some babies are born with already a first tooth! Wow!

But, the order teeth emerge is almost always consistent and usually symmetrical, meaning that both front teeth (central incisors) come in before the next set of two (lateral incisors), and so on.

Most children have all 20 of their baby teeth by 3 years old, but again, that can vary.

In almost all cases, babies—even slow or super fast teethers—are perfectly healthy, and there is no need to worry if they don’t fall within the “schedule.” My first two kids never did! Of course, always talk to your child’s pediatrician if you are concerned.

Teething symptoms
Some babies are in terrible discomfort when teething, and let you know it, and other children surprise you when a tooth pops. It depends on their sensitivity levels, their pain tolerance, their inflammatory response and their anatomy.

Some teething symptoms to look out for:

Biting more than usual
Excessive drool
Fussier than usual, especially at night
Disturbances in sleep patterns. Oh yes, my son would always wake up an hour earlier when teething. Boo!
Fever, rashes, cough, and diarrhea
Decreased appetite or even a nursing strike
Pulling of ears and rubbing of chin and cheeks
Swollen and inflamed gums
Small white teeth popping through the gums (this one’s a tell-tale sign of course!)

No doubt, having sharp teeth grow out of your gums is an uncomfortable experience overall, so here are some things that can be done to soothe your little one’s pain:

Offer your baby a cold teething ring
Let your baby chew on a frozen washcloth
Give your baby a frozen carrot or spoon
Fill a fresh food feeder with frozen mango, melon, ice or breast milk cubes
Use gentle homeopathic remedies
Apply natural teething gels to gums
And finally, put an amber necklace on baby. I found this was especially helpful!

I have links to teething products I love in the video description below.

OK, what I want to leave you with is this… teething is a normal biological process. It will pass. Try to get ahead of the pain with the natural remedies I mention above. And keep that amber teething necklace on while baby is supervised. It can really help to reduce the overall inflammation, which is what contributes to the pain.

In the meantime, celebrate each pearly white that comes in and trust me, you got this!


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