Inside Story - Does the ICC target African states?

Описание к видео Inside Story - Does the ICC target African states?

First it was Burundi, now South Africa wants out.

It says it will withdraw from the International Criminal Court - which was set up to prosecute those accused of serious crimes against humanity.

Several African states have accused the ICC of unfairly targeting the continent. Uganda's president went so far as to call it "useless".

South Africa's decision comes a year after it was criticised for ignoring an order to arrest Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir while he was visiting the country. The ICC has issued an arrest warrant for Bashir, who's accused of committing war crimes in Sudan's Darfur region.

So, is the ICC biased against African nations?

Presenter: Martine Dennis


Dewa Mavhinga - Senior Researcher & Head of South Africa Office, Human Rights Watch

Courtenay Griffiths - Former lead Defence Counsel for Charles Taylor.

Tom Maliti - Journalist who's specialised in the International Criminal Court.


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