WISP Traveler: aeromax - Costa Blanca, Spain

Описание к видео WISP Traveler: aeromax - Costa Blanca, Spain

Welcome to #WISPTraveler, where we travel the world visiting WISPs to discover interesting stories about their business.
We were near #Alicante, on the #CostaBlanca, to visit #aeromax, a #wireless #ISP with big plans to deliver #fixed5G wireless #fiber over the air!

Aeromax, one of the largest independent ISPs in #Spain, is covering more than 10 thousand square kilometers with wireless internet services, utilizing over 120 towers with nearly 1000 APs while reaching out to more than 10 thousand customers - both residential and business.

Our #SymmetricalHorns & #SymmetricalHornsCC in combination, especially, with radios from #MimosaNetworks & #AlbentiaSystems allow aeromax to fight all the issues like noise, a limited tower space, high demand of throughput and so on.

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