Modern Floral Tips and Tricks

Описание к видео Modern Floral Tips and Tricks

Today, I shared a few tips and tricks for stamping, stenciling and die cutting the Modern Floral bundle from the Hello Lovely Card Kit. Once you try these tips, you'll have great success with this beautiful bundle. I also shared a few of my favorite tips for heat embossing! I hope you find them useful. Thanks so much for joining us!

Modern Floral

Modern Flora

Modern Floral
Master Layouts 2

Ink Pads:
Light Orchid
Medium Orchid
Jelly Bean Green
Embossing and Watermark

Embossing Powder:
GKD Fine Detail Gold

Metallic Pearls

Today's $15 gift card winner!
Delma Rivera Robey
Congrats to our winner! Please send your name, address and prize you won to [email protected] and I will get that right out to you! And thanks to everyone who made such nice comments in the chat!

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Thanks so much for watching!
Gina K.

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