CFA Designation: 2 Big Pitfalls | Don't Start Until You Watch This

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📍 CFA Designation: 2 Big Pitfalls | Don't Start Until You Watch This

💡 The highlight of This Episode:
I will share my journey to CFA Charterholder, as well as stories of my students and friends. Out of 200 fellows who are interested in taking the CFA route, how many do you think would become a charterholder? Will CFA designation get you the job you want; how much time will you need to spend on this journey?

🎁 Reveal at End of the Video:
What gift you will receive from CFA institute when you become a charterholder? Let's unwrap it and find out! Finally, after spending a fortune, we get something back.

👀 Still want to see more or have questions? no worries, our channel will cover the following topics:

CFA Program and CFA exam: CFA level 1, CFA level 2, CFA level 3, CFA United States, CFA Canada, CFA Class, CFA Prep, CFA Study, How to Pass CFA

Chartered Financial Analyst: CFA Institute, Charter, CFA Cost, Is CFA worth it, CFA Salary
What else would you like to see? Leave your comment below to tell us👇


🤑😋 Money So Tasty, Retire So Early💸⛱️

We will share with you the money-making, investing mindset you need to have, and the common pitfalls you want to avoid on your journey to financial freedom. We will chat about asset management, real estate investing, and money related topics in life in a fun, lively, and interactive way.

What else would you like to see? Leave your comment below to tell us👇

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