Corn School: Timing tar spot fungicide applications

Описание к видео Corn School: Timing tar spot fungicide applications

Fungicides are a key tool in the tar spot management toolbox. But what's the best time for growers to apply a fungicide to get optimal control of the disease and the best return on their crop protection investment?

On this episode of the RealAgriculture Corn School we catch up with Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs plant pathologist Albert Tenuta at his tar spot research nursery in Rodney, Ont.

Characterized by tar-like speckling on the upper surface of corn leaves, the tar spot fungal pathogen has been delivering yield hits ranging from 20 to 60 bushels per acre (in highly infected fields) since it was first identified in Indiana and Illinois in 2015. To combat the disease, Tenuta and other pathologists from across North America have been working to evaluate tar spot fungicides, and application timings.

In the video, Tenuta looks at how one of the leading fungicides performs when applied at different stages throughout the growing season to a hybrid with strong tar spot tolerance. In the untreated check, Tenuta notes the disease is visible from the bottom leaves all the way to the top with an over 25 percent tar spot infection. He then evaluates a plot where the fungicide was applied at pre-tassel at the 8 to 10-leaf stage. Here there is slightly less tar spot but he's doesn't expect the fungicide to deliver a significant yield benefit.

#agronomy #farming #corn #tarspot


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