BC vs Alberta - All you NEED to know about the Education Schools Systems!

Описание к видео BC vs Alberta - All you NEED to know about the Education Schools Systems!

Are you considering a move from BC to Alberta? Are you curious about what the differences are between the two education school systems?

Melody Wilson, Edmonton Realtor powered by Real Broker, breaks down some of the differences and similarities between the two Canadian provinces education systems. Check it out now!

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Melody Wilson is an Edmonton Realtor® powered by Real Broker and a happily married Mom to 3 great kids! Melody and her gang like to explore Edmonton, always checking out current events, festivals, museums, playgrounds, and restaurants! (Check out our Edmonton food blog!) Melody loves all things Edmonton, including the real estate market - she's been a realtor basically all her life, growing up in the industry and officially licensed since 2009 (loving it so much it's her full time job) and is thankful to work with great clients when buying or selling in Edmonton! In the past 5 years she's helped over 400 families buy and sell in Edmonton and area.

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You can reach her at [email protected]

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