The Incredible Cat Translator!

Описание к видео The Incredible Cat Translator!

They did it! They've cracked the code on cat communication! All you have to do is click on YouTube's automatic closed captions and now we get to know everything our cats are thinking. (Just don't click on it for this video or you won't see what I have screen captured!) Well, ok, it doesn't work all the time. In fact, it only seems to work with Shorty, though Koko does manage to get through once in this video. Tambien, mi gato habla espanol ahora. Estupendo! Is she listening to my Duolingo cuando estoy estudiando? A lo mejor! Anyway, just look at these recent screen recordings of actual YouTube translations and finally understand what our Queen Shoshobeans is saying and when she's simply singing the song of Her people. You're welcome.

Peace and purrs out. Oh, and Happy New Year, since this is my first post of 2024. Wow, 2024 sounds futuristic, doesn't it? Have a good one, y'all.



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