豬豬俠之五靈守衛者 GG Bond The Legend of Warriors: The Chivalry - 第二十六集 小小骑士道 《 EP26 》

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豬豬俠之五靈守衛者 GG Bond The Legend of Warriors: The Chivalry - 第二十六集 小小骑士道 《 EP26 》
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豬豬俠之 GG Bond The Legend of Warriors: http://bit.ly/GG_Bond_Legend_of_Warriors
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豬豬俠之 GG Bond S13 Agent G: http://bit.ly/GGBond_S13

第二十六集 小小骑士道


Episode 26 The Chivalry

GG Bond and his partners were not allowed to enter the villa for their humble identities, so they disguised as cooks and sneaked into it. But they came across a fierce monster named Chthonic Knight who owned the Valuable Book of Knight which was the very target of Dark-Spirit Guards.In order to guard the treasure, GG Bond was attacked both in front and in rear. The spirit of GG Bond had infected Chthonic Knight.With the help of Chthonic Knight,GG Bond managed to defeat the Dark-Spirit Guards.Also,GG Bond’s chivalry was praised by the princess.But Super Q broke into the villa and took credit for GG Bond’s achievements.

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