Rototilling the Garden with a Troy Bilt string trimmer (and TrimmerPlus attachment)

Описание к видео Rototilling the Garden with a Troy Bilt string trimmer (and TrimmerPlus attachment)

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Episode 8 of Sam, Brown Thumb Gardener, recorded on 2020-03-23 at home.
An episodic gardening video log (vlog) series in which you see a 24-year-old who still lives with his parents working on a small-to-medium-sized vegetable garden area in the backyard area on the edge of a forest.

In this episode, I use the Troy Bilt TB525CS 4-stroke string trimmer and the Troy Bilt TrimmerPlus GC720 garden cultivator (aka rototiller) attachment to till the garden area. Note that this is an older GC720 as it has a metal guard (a search for TrimmerPlus GC720 will give you the one with the plastic (poly) guard instead of the metal guard. The garden area is approximately 200 (or so) square feet (less than that is actually usable though). If you like YouTube Audio Library music and 4-stroke string trimmer engine noises, be sure to watch the whole video. If not, you're free to skip to the end where you can see the results.

TL;DW: the garden now looks totally different compared to when I started this series.

Disclaimer: I do not condone nor endorse violating any local quarantines or landscaping equipment safety protocols. That means wear work boots and not canvas sneakers, that means wear gloves to protect against equipment vibration and associated nerve damage and not work with your bare hands. That means wear proper hearing protection and also be aware of the area that will be worked. If the machine kicks back, take that as a sign to back off and remove any potential obstructions. In essence, I did things I should not have and I will take into account not to do them again.
I encourage all viewers to practice proper handwashing, physical social distancing in accordance with your local authorities and exercising all other precautions regarding novel viral pathogens during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This video was shot and edited entirely at home.


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