林永盛 黃飛鴻第四代傳人, 蔡李佛第五代傳人 Lin Yongsheng - 4th generation of Hung Gar, 5th generation of Choy Lee Fut

Описание к видео 林永盛 黃飛鴻第四代傳人, 蔡李佛第五代傳人 Lin Yongsheng - 4th generation of Hung Gar, 5th generation of Choy Lee Fut

林永盛,黃飛鴻第四代傳人,蔡李佛第五代傳人, 五歲開始跟隨梁梅溪先生研習蔡李佛近十年,自七十年代後期,陸續跟隨南拳名家陳昌棉,黃達雄,黃達生,曾慶煌深造南派功夫,曾代表廣東省和廣州市武術隊參加國家級和地區武術比賽獲得多項冠軍,1994年在美國舉行的世界武術比賽獲得南拳金牌。

林永盛參加了多部武術動作影片的拍攝,2022年被聘為泰國國家武術龍獅隊總教練,被聘為武警部隊汕尾支隊 武術指導教練。 2023年獲聘為武警部隊廣州支隊武術指導教練,2023年2月推選為廣東省武術協會功夫龍獅專業委員會主任。

Lin Yongsheng is the fourth generation successor of Huang Feihong Hung Gar and the fifth generation of Choy Lee Fut. He, at the age of 5, started practicing Choy Lee Fut from Master Liang Meixi nearly ten years. Since late 1970s, he studied southern styles from Chen Changmian, Huang Daxiong, Huang Dasheng and Zeng Qinghuang. Lin was representing the Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City Teams in national and regional martial arts competitions and won multiple championships. In 1994, he won the gold medal in southern style martial art competition held in the United States.

Lin Yongsheng also participated in filming of action movies in 1980s and 1990s. In 2022, he was hired as the head instructor of the Thai National Kungfu Dragon and Lion Team. In the same year, he was hired as the martial art instructor by Shanwei Armed Police Force. In 2023, Lin became the martial arts instructor of Guangzhou Armed Police Force. Later on, Lin was elected as the director of the KungFu Dragon and Lion Professional Committee.


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