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Use this ground-up, post-workout stretch routine to get rid of lactic acid from your muscles after your workouts and help to avoid delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS). This video tutorial is based on some great post-workout stretches for men that will work each muscle of your body.
The post-workout stretching exercises included in this routine, are:
• Calf Stretch (0:37)
When your calves get tight, it impacts ankle mobility which can impact running, squatting, etc. There are 2 heads to the calf muscle, which are the gastrocnemius and soleus. Both of these heads should be stretched in order to completely stretch and mobilize your calves. Watch the video to see the variations to stretch both.
• Forward Bend (1:47)
The forward bend is great for stretching out your hamstrings and lower back. It is a stretch you may be familiar with, from your Physical Education lessons at school. Simply bending forward at the waist, you should keep your knees slightly soft (not locked out), and curve your back to cause the stretch throughout your hamstrings and lower back.
• Yoga Squat (2:40)
The yoga squat stretches all throughout your lower body, especially your adductors (inner groin). It’s a great stretch to help mobility in your knees, ankles, and pelvis too, as you lower into a deep squat and push your elbows outwards on the inside of your knee. A great addition to your stretch routine after a workout, especially a lower body day!
• Single Leg Quad x 2 (3:30)
The quad stretch is another that you may remember from Physical Education class, or any fitness class you have done before. It is simply bending your knee and lifting your foot behind your butt, holding on to your laces, and pulling until you get a stretch. You can increase the stretch by pushing your pelvis forward, but you should not feel pain in the stretch.
• Lateral Bend x 2 (4:20)
This is another very simple exercise that you can do at any time, even in your office chair at work. It helps to stretch all the muscles down the side of your body, including your intercostals, serratus anterior, and quadratus lumborum. Simply raise your hands and clasp them above your head, then bend to the side. Make sure to stretch both sides each time.
• Lat Stretch (5:06)
For the lat stretch, you’ll need to use a post, a doorframe, or any other solidly mounted object. You simply hold on with both hands and push your hips backward until your back is flat and you’re at arm’s length from the object you’re holding. You should get a stretch through the outside of your back, which is your latissimus dorsi muscle (Lats).
• Doorway Stretch (5:31)
The doorway stretch is to stretch out your chest and can be done one side at a time or both together. To do one side, you can simply place the inside of your arm onto a solid, upright surface and twist your body. This motion will open up your pec muscle. To do both at the same time, you can stand in a doorway, or the inside of a smith machine, stretch your arms out wide and push your arms against the door frame to stretch across your chest.
• Wall Pull-Open (6:03)
Our final stretch is to open out your shoulder girdle and your upper arms and is the wall pull-open. You need to face a wall, place your hands flat, then push your pelvis backwards while keeping your arms straight. Make sure not to round your lower back, but keep your pelvis tucked and your core strong.
Each stretch should be held for 30-60 seconds, to get the most benefit from it.
So, that’s how to stretch after a workout. If you have any questions, please feel free to place a comment below so we can get back to you.
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Your friends here at the FFP,
-Dr. Balduzzi + The Men's Health Experts @ The Fit Father Project
**Disclaimer: This information is for reference purposes ONLY and cannot replace personal information you can and should discuss with your Doctor. If you have any concerns about your health, you should see your Doctor immediately. Results vary by individual, so we do not guarantee you will get the same results as any shown here or on our website.
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