কোন সত্যের মুখোমুখি দাঁড় করাতে চাইছে Divine.. এই মুহূর্তে আপনার কী জানা দরকার 🔮🃏

Описание к видео কোন সত্যের মুখোমুখি দাঁড় করাতে চাইছে Divine.. এই মুহূর্তে আপনার কী জানা দরকার 🔮🃏

Hello everyone!! welcome to my channel



7 chakra balancing meditation :-
   • Live self-healing meditation.. tarot ...  

cleansing meditation :-
   • এই শ্রাবণ মাস আপনার জীবনে কোন কোন খুশ...  

career success meditation :-
   • যারা career কে বেছে নিতে পারছেন না তা...  

karma Cleansing Meditation :-
   • New Moon Special Candle Wax Reading 🕯...  

ancestors Healing meditation :-
   • আপনার পূর্বজরা কী বার্তা দিচ্ছে আপনাক...  

mind Healing meditation :-
   • আপনার অন্তর্মন আপনাকে কী আওয়াজ দিচ্ছ...  

self love frequency healing meditation :-
   • Frequency healing guided meditation f...  

heart chakra healing meditation :-
   • channel Messages through candle wax r...  

I am a kp astrologer, tarot card reader, spiritual energy healer, vastu consultant, teacher of law of attraction and crystal healer.I share tarot reading videos and astrological tips to my channel which are help you to growth, gain clarity, feel motivated as well as more confident in creating your dream life.

Take this reading as a guidence..this is general reading.It may or may not resonate with you.This reading is not gender specific or for any particular religion based.Both male and female from any religion are welcome to see the reading and behold the divine guidence.

If you want to take personal tarot consultancy / astrological consultancy / reiki healing / crystal purchasing /akashic record reading /cord cutting then contact me on my WhatsApp
REMEMBER :- Personal consultancy is not free.


🕰️Time stand :-
👉🏻 Intro :- 00:00 - 00:40
👉🏻 pile 1 :- 00:40 - 18:01
👉🏻 pile 2 :- 18:01 - 38:16

Thanks for watching my video!! Thank you so much!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻


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Thank you all🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you universe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🌌🌠🌞🌛

stay connected with my channel ‎‪@DivinneDepth1221‬ ...I need your support and request you all to subscribe my channel.




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