ADHD Cleaning Tips that Can Help Anyone Clean Better & Get Organized

Описание к видео ADHD Cleaning Tips that Can Help Anyone Clean Better & Get Organized

Hi everyone! In this week’s video I’m sharing 3 practical cleaning tips for people with ADHD -- but they're helpful for people who don't have ADHD, too!

As someone who went decades without a diagnosis, I tried so many methods to keep my home under control. The printable cleaning checklists I developed, along with the tips I share on my blog and in this video, are the result. I guess you could say cleaning is my special interest — and that’s how I became a cleaning expert!

As far as the tips here, I first explain my daily process that gets me to notice the clutter — something difficult for us ADHDers. Then, I go over a few tricks I use to get my phone to act as a second brain, but one with a well-working executive function. Last, I cover the secret combination that makes routines less excruciating to follow, so you say motivated to clean and on track.

Don’t miss my blooper at the end, then grab my handy list of how often everything in your home needs to be cleaned:

See you next week!

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