BREAKING NEWS: Mt. Ebal Curse Tablet Peer Review COMPLETE

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Read the entire published article from the Heritage Science Journal, including photos of the scans, and other relevant material:


When the announcement of the discovery of the Mount Ebal Curse Tablet was made in 2022, it sent shock waves through the archaeological community. It was met by many with extreme excitement and by many others with heavy skepticism. Dr. Scott Stripling, the Head of Excavations at the Associates for Biblical Research and his team, asserted that this folded lead tablet contained the earliest known "proto-alphabetic" Hebrew text. The inscription, which they date to the end of the Late Bronze Age II (c. 1400 - 1200 B.C.E.), is a legal text and curse that invokes the god Yahweh. The team believes the tablet to be one of the most important inscriptions ever found in Israel and one that could drastically alter our reconstruction of ancient Israel’s earliest history. But after waiting nearly a year for the official peer-review process to complete, many began to doubt the validity of the find. Until today...


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