Chicken Broast Recipe . Crispy Fried Chicken .Juicy Chicken Fry .

Описание к видео Chicken Broast Recipe . Crispy Fried Chicken .Juicy Chicken Fry .

#crispyfriedchicken #trendingrecipe #Albaikchicken #kfcchicken

Hello friends, today we will make a recipe for KFC chicken breast. This recipe is very delicious to eat and very easy to make. You can make this recipe at home with a normal routine. Your family will like this recipe very much. You can also make it at any event. Believe me, your guests will appreciate you very much after eating this recipe. I hope you will definitely try this recipe and if you are new to our channel, then subscribe to our channel, like and share our video. Thank you so much.

Chicken Thai leg pieces 1kg.
Chicken wash process.
Half a teaspoon of baking powder,
2 tablespoons vinegar.
1 teaspoons salt,
one and a half litter of water.
Marination Spices.
Half teaspoon garlic powder .
1 teaspoons red chili powder.
One and a half teaspoons of salt.
Half teaspoon cumin powder,
2 tablespoons soya sauce,
1 tablespoons vinegar.
Chicken Coating Process.
All purpose flour 500gm .
1 teaspoon salt.
Water for dipping the chicken.
Cooking oil for frying chicken.

To make KFC chicken broast, first wash the chicken well, add dry spices to it, coat it with all purpose flour and fry the chicken for 12 to 15 minutes. The KFC chicken breast is ready, serve and enjoy. Thank you so much.

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#crispyfriedchicken #AlBaikStyleBroast #chickenbroast
#AlbaikChicken #ChickenBroast #kainatfoodvideo
#FriedChicken #AlbaikChicken #ChickenBroast #AlbaikRecipe
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#trendingrecipes #easyrecipe #KFC #kfcchicken


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