Air Dome in Doha, Qatar: Exceeding Qatar Foundation's Standards of Design and Functionality

Описание к видео Air Dome in Doha, Qatar: Exceeding Qatar Foundation's Standards of Design and Functionality

DUOL's air dome project in Doha, Qatar, is a remarkable fusion of modern engineering and aesthetic design, setting a new benchmark in urban architecture. This expansive, 2,000 square meter air dome is smartly positioned atop a 7-meter-high framework surrounding the building, featuring metal elements that cast a distinctive reflective glow, adding a unique architectural charm to the structure. Within the dome, covered state-of-the-art padel courts present an exciting way to integrate sports into urban design, challenging the norms of traditional urban development.

Fusing Functionality with Beauty: Meeting the Qatar Foundation's Rigorous Expectations
When designing and engineering our new air dome in Qatar, we followed the strict standards of the Qatar Foundation, showing DUOL's dedication to merging beautiful design with practical use. We added unique patterns and shapes to the outside of the dome, turning it into a visual masterpiece that's both useful and eye-catching. This approach meets the Qatar Foundation's requirements for projects that are both functional and beautiful, improving the functionality of buildings and adding to the visual landscape.

DUOL: Delivering Padel Projects Worldwide
Our recent air dome installation in the Doha is part of our extensive portfolio of global padel facilities. With projects in locations such as Chile, Mexico, Europe, the Middle East, and beyond, we've established a strong presence in the padel covering solutions. Each project is tailored to meet the specific needs of the sport and its players, ensuring high-quality playing conditions and experiences.


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