Aurora Australis, A Portrait of Julian Wilson. A Wasted Talent Film Presented By Sun Bum

Описание к видео Aurora Australis, A Portrait of Julian Wilson. A Wasted Talent Film Presented By Sun Bum

Don’t Call It a Comeback
Julian Wilson inspires us with his new film.

Sure, he was once crowned Pipe-Master. But today surfer Julian Wilson has an even more important title—Dad. The Sun Bum ambassador (Julian is our first ambassador) is newly back on the scene after some time out of the spotlight, a journey documented in his new film directed by Robin Pailler. When you have some of the surf world’s most coveted awards on your trophy shelf, it could be easy to let it all get to your head. Luckily, Julian’s not the kind of guy to have a trophy shelf at all. That’s what makes him one of our favorite surfers. Watch here to learn more as Julian invites Sun Bum and Wasted Talent along for the ride as he prepares for his next chapter while also leaning into his new roles as father and entrepreneur.

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