The truth teller in a narcissistic family [Scapegoat children are targets for narcissistic parents]

Описание к видео The truth teller in a narcissistic family [Scapegoat children are targets for narcissistic parents]

The truth teller in a narcissistic family [Scapegoat children are targets for narcissistic parents]. Today I want to talk about the truth telling child that comes out of a narcissistic family. The one that knows something isn’t right. When growing up in narcissistic homes, children develop different ways of coping. One of the types of children that comes out of the narcissistic home is the truth teller. This type can develop from being the devalued child, scapegoated, being blamed for the family’s problems and responsibilities. These children tend to rebel and be insubordinate against the family system with a knowing that something just isn’t quite right. They know there’s something wrong with the behavior in the house. The truth teller may reach out to friends for help but if that friend hasn’t experienced narcissism they may have a hard time understanding that it’s possible for someone’s parent to treat them in such an unloving way and they could be looked at as though they’re lying.

Amy Lambert is not a licensed medical professional or a therapist. She is a certified life coach.
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