Code Vein (Review): "Edge Souls" | Tome of Silver

Описание к видео Code Vein (Review): "Edge Souls" | Tome of Silver

In the face of certain death, we rise. Hello everyone, and welcome to Chapter 36 of the Tome of Silver. The show where I randomly select a game from my collection, review it and add it to an ever-growing ranking list.
The Dark Souls franchise was always one I struggled to get into. The idea of a slower, more methodical style of action game was enticing, and the word of mouth regarding the game’s notoriously difficult boss fights piqued my interest on many occasions. However, the game’s choice in aesthetics would always be the barrier that would ultimately stop me from deciding to give it a try. Unfortunately, dark, medieval fantasy has always been among some of my least favorite settings, and when part of Dark Souls’ intrigue is the player’s engagement and exploration of that setting, I just never really got properly motivated to dive in.
Fortunately, Souls-like games have really taken off these past few years, inspiring a multitude of titles that bring their own unique choice of setting to the table, and have since been able to dip my toe in several Dark Souls-style games, from Bloodborne, Strangers of Paradise, Nioh, and of course, today’s video, Code Vein. Does Code Vein manage to carve out its own niche, or is it just a hollow copy? Equip your purifier mask, drink some blood, and let’s turn the page to Code Vein for the PlayStation 4.

00:00 Introduction
01:22 Story & Characters
07:08 Gameplay
13:22 Partner Mechanic
15:15 Additional Content & Issues
19:46 Conclusion & Ranking

Character creation examples taken from    / @axiomg   They have a whole playlist filled with their phenomenal recreations of characters in Code Vein. Please consider giving them a watch!


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