Comedy Junction Ep#11

Описание к видео Comedy Junction Ep#11

The host, Hyder Qadri makes a rocking entry to the comedy junction stage and welcomes everyone to the show.
He then proceeds to welcome the special guests answering about Hyder`s hilarious questions.
To witness more, watch the episode now.

Show Name: Comedy Junction
Guest Name: Saba Khan
Host Name: Hyder Qadri
Episode: (11) 18 March 2023
Director & Producer: Hyder Qadri

Sindhi media no1 Comedy show Comedy Junction
These four comedians Hyder Qadri, Sohrab Soomro, Ali Gul Mallah, Sher Dil Gaho performing on stage together and Joking a lot
Comedy Junction is a brand new comedy show bringing you the best of comedy. From classic jokes to fresh material, these comedians will have you laughing to much

#hyderqadriactor #sohrabsoomro #aligulmallah #sherdilgaho #dhartitvofficial #comedyjunction #comedyshow #comedy #ZakirSheikh #sabakhan


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