Back On Trac Decompression

Описание к видео Back On Trac Decompression

Back On Trac Highlights
- Fully automated axial and bilateral distraction
- ​21 specific protocols
- No body entrapment system
- ​35 second patient setup
- ​Small footprint (5' x 7')
- ​Vibration therapy
​- Heat therapy

5 Reasons Patients Love the Back On Trac Experience
No scary restraints or belts: Unlike yesterday’s treatment solutions, Back On Trac offers therapy without all those cumbersome restraints and belts that patients hate.

Lasting relief because ALL the important areas are targeted: Therapy is delivered through gentle stretching of the spine, joints, and a wide range of important muscles, including those in the back, neck, hips, and thighs.

​It's non-invasive and it works: Any time they can find an effective solution for chronic back pain that doesn’t involve surgery, patients rejoice.

​It doesn't just work - it feels great: They start out seated and are gently leaned back with benefits of vibration and heat which put​ patients in a relaxed state of mind (and body!).
More bang for the buck: Stackable therapies so they can get treated for multiple conditions at once.



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