[1.36.2] Warcraft 3 Reforged - HD in SD - Human06: The Culling

Описание к видео [1.36.2] Warcraft 3 Reforged - HD in SD - Human06: The Culling

This is part of an incomplete walkthrough on old version.
By extracting map files from WC3 editor and modifying them, it is possible to play HD levels in SD mode and vice versa. Here is how current HD campaign looks in SD graphics.

To set level difficulty, I added all levels to a campaign editor, checked all cache and level transfer triggers, and extracted all maps using Xetanth87's Campaign Splitter: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/...
This also allows me to see next map name at the end of the level.

Due to issues within the engine, some units disappear when map is saved. I returned those few that are mentioned in triggers, but didn't check every nook and cranny for them.

Some walls, buildings and towers that are added to Reforged can't be seen (in 1.36.2).
Arthas does not wave his hammer.
If you stop exactly at 04:03-04:04, you'll see a voiceline bleeding into cinematic.

Link to playlist:    • [1.36.2] Wacraft 3 Reforged - HD in SD  

Inspired by RoC credits in Reforged graphics:    • Warcraft III - Reign of Chaos Credits...  

00:00 - Intro
01:49 - Gameplay starts
04:04 - Mal'Ganis cinematic
04:43 - Gameplay continues
13:30 - Outro
14:18 - Scorescreen


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