Mrs. & Mrs. Smartypants

Описание к видео Mrs. & Mrs. Smartypants

As I stated before, this video is dedicated to someone special. I had the luck to find my very own Jane that happened to stumble into my life over three years ago. She claims to be Jane even though I thought i would make a great badass detective myself frowns I could also say i found my Xena, but then again she wouldnt agree as shes one of those opponents of the subtext between the warrior princess and her bard. But if it wasnt for Gabby and Xena to be meant to be together I probably would have never met her. So baby....for that you gotta be thankful :P
I hope you guys like this video as much as I do, it took days to do this one, because I wanted to make this perfect. One day I hope I can have all that what Rizzles have in this vid. Ich liebe dich meine Mrs. Smartypants!

Ugh, gross...enough mush now.

I still dont own Rizzoli and Isles, which is very sad, because I would ban all zombie penis guys from Boston and make Jane and Maura act on their feelings. Who agrees?
So the copyright goes to TNT and Janet Tamaro. I also used clips from The L Word, Greys Anatomy and Charmed.

Song: The Fray - Never say never


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