How Does the Body Detox? How Wheat Grass Can Help Remove Toxins by Thomas DeLauer

Описание к видео How Does the Body Detox? How Wheat Grass Can Help Remove Toxins by Thomas DeLauer Your body has a natural ability to detox. What can you do to support you body's own detoxing mechanisms? Thomas DeLauer discusses how the liver works to rid toxins.
Your liver has three phases of detoxification. The first phase is where it's uses an enzyme that takes toxins and breaks them down into water and fat-soluble things that the liver can process. It does its best to break them down into water-soluble things but a lot of times, it can't do the full job. It ends up having byproducts which are additional fat-soluble toxins.

Phase two uses additional enzymes that come in and basically attach themselves to the byproducts of phase one. What these secondary enzymes do is they break those byproducts into water-soluble toxins as much as possible into a very, very easy-to-transport form.

Phase three is where those fat-soluble toxins that have now been broken down into water-soluble toxins or very, very small emulsified fat-soluble toxins are carried out of the liver into the small intestine and ultimately leave the body.

You can see how important the liver and the intestinal tract is when it comes down to having a healthy body and supporting true detoxing that's occurring within your body.

Wheat grass is a superfood that aids in detox. Wheat grass has long been used as herbal medicine due to its therapeutic and nutritional properties. The benefits of wheat grass are derived from its powerful nutritional content. While wheat grass offers many of the same nutrients as other green leafy vegetables, the nutrients in wheat grass are more concentrated, meaning that small servings of wheat grass pack a whole lot of nutrition.

The vitamins in wheat grass contain powerful antioxidants which eliminate free radicals which cause cellular damage. Antioxidants help strengthen the body’s immune system, reducing the risks of disease, and improve overall health and well-being. Wheat grass also has enzymes that help neutralize toxins and detoxify the body. They help cleanse the body of heavy metals, environmental pollutants and other toxins that may be stored in the body’s tissues and organs.

One of the biggest benefits that it can provide you is sulfur. You see, glutathione, like I talked about, requires sulfur in order to be created. What happens is glutathione donates part of itself to neutralize a toxin. It's very selfless. It gives part of itself in order to kill off a toxin but in order for that partial glutathione to become whole again and be able to do its job again, it needs to attach itself to sulfur. We get sulfur from our deep leafy greens and we get sulfur from things like very high-quality wheat grass.

Additionally, if you're utilizing the right kind of wheatgrass, you can be in a situation where you have more red blood cells. More red blood cells means more oxygen being carried. More oxygen that is usable, that is being carried means that you can eliminate more toxins faster.


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